Every client is unique. The one thing they have in common is deserving a world-class solution.
-Brian Bieron, Founder and Principal
Sometimes it is easier to explain what something is by starting with what it is not. Policy Lab Strategies is not another DC-based lobbying firm, communications consultant, coalition manager, research and message development firm, or even a think tank. Instead, it is an endeavor that combines some of each in a unique, creative, problem-solving package that is an elite public policy “management consultant”. After a dozen years as a policy and communications expert on Capitol Hill, four years serving as a lobbyist for some of America’s top technology companies, and then 15 years as the chief public policy strategist and communications expert for eBay Government Relations, Brian Bieron develops and helps execute solutions.
If you engage Policy Lab Strategies to solve your problem or build a creative action plan to improve your business, you will work directly with Brian, a uniquely experienced, creative problem-solver and public policy thought leader. He will work with you and your team to collaboratively build a plan, drawing on his deep experience in government, lobbying, trade groups, the Internet industry and corporate government relations. He is more than a strategist, he fits into the grey areas between the collection of specialists firms and substance matter experts. He thinks high level, providing vision and direction, but he also gets into the details with pollsters, writers, lawyers, economists, policy experts, digital campaign builders, lobbyists and corporate leaders. And he draws on decades of experience without thinking every problem calls for the same “custom” solution.
Every client is unique, bringing its own set of assets and challenges to the table. The only Policy Lab Strategies cookie cutter solution is to provide each client a unique, creative, multi-disciplinary plan.