About Us

Founder and Principal

Brian Bieron is one of the most experienced and innovative public policy and government relations experts in Internet, technology and trade industries. During 15 years with eBay as Executive Director of Global Public Policy, he was the company’s top public policy expert, strategist and political communications leader.

Brian’s reputation as a thought leadership and government relations innovator was highlighted by his creation of the eBay Public Policy Lab, an internal public policy think tank that used eBay marketplace data to highlight the value of technology-enabled open, global, inclusive commerce. Policy Lab reports have been cited by government officials and trade agencies globally, including by U.S. President Obama and Indian President Mukherjee. The model has been recognized by government relations experts and copied by major corporations.

Brian led eBay’s US Government Relations Team from 2004 to 2012, orchestrating lobbying, communications and grassroots activities on major issues including Internet sales taxes, net neutrality, ISP liability and cross-border trade policies. Among a range of successes, he directed the outgunned, underdog and successful congressional campaign to protect small businesses from new Internet tax burdens.

Along with substance matter policy expertise, lobbying and government relations office management, Brian supported three cases that were argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, a range of merger and acquisition matters, competition policy preparation and communications, outreach to think tanks and activist groups across the political spectrum, Internet and traditional grassroots, polling, research, economic analysis and trade association management.

An accomplished communicator, Brian has made numerous appearances on Capitol Hill, at the World Trade Organization, OECD, working groups of the World Economic Forum, trade, development and shipping industry conferences, as well as television and radio appearances. He is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown Law Center, serves on the Board of Directors of the Center for International Private Enterprise, was the first Vice Chairman of the Board of the Internet Association, Chairman of National Foreign Trade Council’s Trade Committee, and a board member of the Coalition of Service Industries. Prior to joining eBay, he was a Director at Clark & Weinstock, a bipartisan lobbying and consulting firm, and spent twelve years on Capitol Hill as a policy staff person.

In Their Words